About OPAL

The Omics and Precision Agriculture Laboratory (OPAL), is a state-of-the-art laboratory and one-stop shop for the complete analyses of microbial, plant and animal samples for the agriculture and food sectors. Offering genomics, phenomics and bioinformatics services, combined with the latest imaging and precision agriculture technologies, OPAL provides a complete profile of samples for researchers, industry, agriculture producers and other clients.

Catering to the needs of the agriculture and food sector

Dr. Marco Pellino handles OPAL's Kingfisher machine in the lab.

The first of its kind in Canada, OPAL integrates the digital data analyses of microbial, plant and animal genes and traits with the latest imaging and precision agriculture technologies (agtech), to advance accelerated crop breeding, reduce waste and increase efficiency for the agriculture and food sectors.

Using some of the latest in agtech, we combine Global Positioning Systems (GPS), remote aerial imaging of plants using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and in-field environmental monitoring with genetic information and digital DNA sequence information—to provide a complete profile of microbial, plant and animal samples for our clients

OPAL’s detailed plant analyses will help farmers target their fields with the precise amounts of crop inputs (water, fertilizers and pesticides). This precision in agriculture means a more efficient use of resources and reduced environmental impact, leading to accelerated crop breeding, less waste and increased efficiency for breeders, agronomists, producers and other stakeholders.

Offering Canada’s most integrated omics and precision agriculture facility to analyze microbial, plant and animal samples, OPAL will help improve crop yield, profitability and sustainability for the agriculture and food sectors.

Contact us to learn how we can help you.